Bowery Mission Volunteering Day #2 (4/15/21)


Today I volunteered at The Bowery Mission from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM for the meal prep shift. When I arrived there weren't as many volunteers as there was last time. One of the kitchen staff people gave me work to do. First I washed my hands, got my apron on, then put my hairnet and gloves on. I then separated soups from these bags that had bread in them. Then I moved all the bread boxes to one area in the back room. Then I moved more crates of bread into that same room. Then I was given the job of wrapping the loose pieces of bread in the deli sandwich wrap, and then putting them back into the box they came in. It was only me in the room for a while, and sometimes there were people moving the trash, sweeping the floor, and generally talking. I finished 3 full boxes of bread before leaving and I felt very accomplished. Although I wish there were more volunteers there that I could talk to, there's always next week. 
